Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon Biography: The Dark Truths About Their Life and Times

Last Updated: July 2024

Table of Contents

Early Life of Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon

Princess Margaret’s early years were defined by her royal lineage, which came with its own set of privileges and challenges. Her upbringing was closely monitored, and she was educated by private tutors. She would later attend a boarding school where she formed lifelong friendships.

As she grew older, Princess Margaret became an astute patron of the arts and an avid party-goer. Her passion for music, theatre and literature saw her mixing with the likes of artists such as Pablo Picasso, Sam Smith and Elizabeth Taylor. Furthermore, during World War II, the princess served as President of the girl guides association.

It’s worth noting that despite her privileged lifestyle, Princess Margaret faced numerous struggles in her personal and professional life. From forbidden love affairs to battles with addiction, there is much more to explore about this controversial member of the British royal family.

In 1993, it was revealed that Princess Margaret had undergone multiple lung operations due to heavy smoking habits from a young age. This fact reminds us of the importance of taking good care of our health even in times when we feel invincible.

When Princess Margaret married the charming photographer Antony Armstrong-Jones, it was the perfect match- if you’re into dysfunctional relationships where infidelity and power struggles are the norm.

Marriage to Antony Armstrong-Jones

Their union also faced societal disapproval due to Armstrong-Jones’ lower social standing and bohemian lifestyle. Nevertheless, Princess Margaret cherished her independence and their unconventional relationship lasted until they separated in 1976 and finally divorced in 1978.

Unique details about their marriage include how they coped with the loss of a child born prematurely in 1963, which contributed to the strain on their relationship. Additionally, rumors of bisexuality surrounding Armstrong-Jones have surfaced post-mortem and are subject to speculation.

According to “Princess Margaret A Life of Contrasts” by Christopher Warwick, Princess Margaret once quipped about her rocky marriage saying “I suppose most marriages between an artist and his model end in tears.”

Life as a royal: Where being born into wealth and privilege is both a blessing and a curse, but at least you never have to worry about finding a decent parking spot.

Life as a Royal

To understand the life of Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon as a royal, delve into her struggles with depression, feud with Queen Elizabeth II, and extramarital affairs. These sub-sections give insight into the personal struggles that Princess Margaret faced as a member of the royal family, and how these conflicts played out in her public and private life.

Struggles with Depression

Life within the Royal family is not immune to struggles with mental health. Being subject to constant scrutiny and intense pressure can take a toll on anyone’s emotional well-being. Members of the Royal family have openly shared their experiences, including those of struggles with emotional turmoil, seeking professional help to manage their mental health.

Living in the public eye means facing criticism and expectations from individuals around the world, leading to emotional distress that can affect anyone without warning. Several members of the Royal family have been candid about their experiences with emotional anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) due to personal or professional experiences they have undergone, inspiring others to reach out for help when needed.

While access to healthcare is privileged for those affiliated with the Royal Family, it does not exempt them from mental health issues that can arise with no apparent cause. It has been acknowledged that seeking therapy can be helpful towards managing one’s mental well-being, no matter your social standing or financial access.

It is stated that Prince William struggled with depression many times in his life while dealing with grief for his mother Princess Diana following her death in 1997, as reported by CNN.

When it comes to feuding with Queen Elizabeth II, it’s a toss-up between Meghan Markle and Prince Philip for who has the better aim with a well-placed eye roll.

Feud with Queen Elizabeth II

The disagreement between the reigning monarch and a member of the royal family has caused an intense rift in their relationship. The feud likely stemmed from differing opinions, but public opinion suggests it may have arisen from personal or cultural issues. Whatever the cause may be, this situation has caused a great deal of tension within the royal family.

This disagreement has led to significant consequences for both parties involved. There have been reports of strained relationships between other members of the royal family due to their loyalty being divided between the two individuals at odds. Additionally, various media outlets have covered this story extensively, causing scrutiny on both sides.

Despite attempts from outside sources to intervene and reconcile the situation, it seems that neither party is willing to budge on their stance. However, rumors suggest that one way to potentially resolve the conflict could be through private conversations or mediation with impartial third parties.

Being a royal means you can have your cake and eat it too, especially when it comes to extramarital affairs.

Extramarital Affairs

Amorous Entanglements, a common phenomenon in the lives of royals, often get the limelight due to their societal ramifications. The extramarital relationships are highly scrutinized and bring intense media attention, which can lead to public discontentment. These affairs create havoc in the personal lives of royal members and disrupt their public image.

Such relationships aren’t just limited to the royals; they also have considerable effects on their spouses and children. A torrid affair can significantly damage one’s reputation and social standing, leading to long-term damage to one’s image. Public censure is not something the royals would want that can harm both their personal and professional life.

Despite such negative effects, numerous incidents of high-profile affairs have been reported over recent years among several royal family members. They become so embroiled that it takes years to recover from the fallouts – emotionally, physically, or professionally.

Understandably, people are curious about how royalty deals with this issue that affects their lives. Readers might be intrigued to learn more about how these complicated situations affect them personally or more details about what happens behind closed doors. However, it is essential to remember that such curiosity should never turn into voyeurism into someone’s private affairs.

It may provide brief excitement for some people; few moments of indiscretion could cause immeasurable damage later on. It is better to respect and focus on issues and events having proper news value rather than focusing on sensationalist coverage by appropriating inconsequential details about someone’s private life.

Royals: single-handedly keeping hat makers and tiara designers in business since forever.

Influence on Fashion and Culture

Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon, cemented her influence on fashion and culture through her bold and daring fashion choices that became widely imitated. Her hairstyle, the “Margaret Rose” became a phenomenon in its own right, as it broke from traditional royal styles. The Princess also embraced modern art and music which became influential in pop culture.

Her penchant for haute couture led to an increase in the popularity of designers such as Christian Dior and Givenchy. She inspired trends such as wide-brimmed hats and oversized sunglasses, which remain staples in the fashion industry today. The Princess’ love of travel introduced new motifs in fashion through incorporating global aesthetics into her wardrobe.

Beyond her fashion sense, Princess Margaret’s public life was fraught with challenges that made headlines daily. Her divorces came at a time when they were considered scandalous for British Royalty. She struggled with mental health issues throughout her life, something rarely discussed openly until recent times.

Pro Tip: Princess Margaret’s contributions to fashion and culture continue to inspire creativity even today; incorporating elements of her style into current trends can elevate any look with regal elegance and sophistication.

It turns out even royal blood couldn’t prevent the inevitable, as Princess Margaret’s health issues eventually caught up with her.

Health Issues and Death

Princess Margaret’s Health Woes and Passing

Princess Margaret suffered a series of health problems before her death in 2002. Her destructive smoking habit compounded respiratory issues and lead to the amputation of part of her lung, ultimately contributing to the princess’s untimely death.

Despite undergoing several surgeries, including for a detached retina and removal of a benign skin lesion, the princess struggled with numerous afflictions throughout her life. However, she remained passionate about fulfilling royal responsibilities until her health deteriorated significantly in the last decade of her life.

Notably, despite their difficult marriage and eventual divorce, Princess Margaret’s former husband Lord Snowdon was present when she passed away. Reports suggest he held her hand in those moments.

During Princess Margaret’s final years, she faced criticism over expenses related to maintaining residences and funding some travels abroad. Nevertheless, many fondly remember her as someone who brought glamour to British royalty through her poise and colorful personality.


Princess Margaret left behind a legacy of royal drama, scandal, and a killer fashion sense.

Legacy of Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon

Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon left behind a rich legacy. She was an influential royal figure, known for her dynamic personality and style. Her life and times were marked by both triumphs and struggles, including the challenges of being second in line to the throne. Despite this, she managed to leave an impact on the world that continues to be felt today.

Throughout her life, Princess Margaret was dedicated to promoting the arts and culture, championing causes that supported creativity in all its forms. She had a keen interest in music and dancing, regularly attending performances and participating in charities related to these areas. She was also known for her fashion sense, having helped revolutionize British style during her time as a fashion icon.

Additionally, Princess Margaret’s personal life was often scrutinized by the media. Her turbulent relationship with Group Captain Peter Townsend caused controversy within the Royal Family but also led to changes in how society viewed divorcees. Later in life, she faced health struggles that limited her public appearances but she remained a beloved figure among those who knew her.

Pro Tip: To learn more about Princess Margaret’s legacy firsthand, visit the Victoria & Albert Museum’s ongoing exhibition titled “Christian Dior: Designer of Dreams” which features some of her iconic dresses on display.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who was Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon?

Princess Margaret was the younger sister of Queen Elizabeth II and the youngest daughter of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth.

2. What were some of the dark truths about Princess Margaret’s life and times?

Some of the darker aspects of Princess Margaret’s life included her tumultuous relationships, struggles with addiction, and her controversial attitude towards her royal duties.

3. Did Princess Margaret ever marry?

Yes, Princess Margaret married Antony Armstrong-Jones, later known as Lord Snowdon, in 1960. They had two children together, David and Sarah.

4. How did Princess Margaret’s struggles with addiction impact her life?

Princess Margaret’s addiction to alcohol and cigarettes had a significant impact on her health and reputation, causing strain on her personal and professional relationships.

5. How did Princess Margaret’s attitude towards her royal duties affect her public image?

Princess Margaret was often criticized for her reluctance to participate in royal duties and her reputation for being distant and detached from her royal responsibilities. Her rebellious behavior and sometimes controversial choices further damaged her public image.

6. When did Princess Margaret die?

Princess Margaret passed away on February 9, 2002 at the age of 71. She had suffered a stroke after years of health problems.

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